Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Don't neglect fitness in your feet!

My apologies for not blogging for a few weeks. I have been busy attending conferences and sharing the benefits of BAREFOOT SCIENCE™  with many healthcare practitioners around the conntry.

With Summer already here, it is great to see so many people to be aware of getting and staying fit by joining the gym, training with personal trainers and staying active, but not many of them actually realise that muscles in their feet need to get fit, too.
Recent research shows that 60-85% of runners are injured every year, and conventional sports shoes are to blame. They are deemed to be too restrictive by bracing the feet and not allowing enough movement for the foot muscles to strengthen naturally.
These alarming figures have prompted major sportswear companies like Nike and Vibram to develop minimalist footwear to “tackle” the problem-- Nike has removed support from their fastest growing sports model since 2005, while Adidas is scheduled to launch its first barefoot shoe in 2012. This phenomenon is growing especially after a considerable amount of discussion in the media in past few months along with several prominent running events.

It is great to see such an awareness of barefoot walking and running developing, but I can't stress enough that consumers should be careful when making the change over.

This is because Conventional footwear and orthotics have stiff components and do not allow the muscles to strengthen, so your feet end up becoming weaker through inactivity, and runners and walkers can aggravate their injuries further if they change to those minimalist shoes straight away.

I have been using BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ to treat my patients for the last seven years and I see that results have been positive. It is an insole system that stimulates and activates intrinsic muscles in the feet, while promoting better movement patterns and posture.

Backed with 20 years of research, BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ is clinically proven to build strong feet and stimulate neurosensory input or “biofeedback”. It is the only insole system that works along barefoot lines, enhancing proprioceptive input and resulting in better foot placement and less risk of injury. I believe this is the future of healthy feet. 

BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ acts like a gym for neglected postural muscles of the foot and stimulates weaker muscles to increase resistance level as they become stronger.It allows runners and walkers to transition from fully supportive shoes, whether sports, casual or dress to minimalist or no support footgear safely and pain-free.

Why not book in an appointment to see me and let me help your feet get fit this Summer?

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