Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy feet at Better Homes and Gardens LIVE 2011

We have never seen so many happy faces sighing with relief after being fitted up with the BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ foot strengthening insole system!

It was our first time exhibiting at the Better Homes and Gardens LIVE this year and it was a positive turn out in Homebush despite the wet and windy conditions over the last weekend. 

We had expected a lot of tired feet especially with the hard concrete floor at the exhibition hall, and many of the customers who visited our store complained that they are suffering from plantar fasciitis.

So what exactly is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot problem that is a painful inflammatory condition causing chronic heel pain and arch pain in some cases. 

It can be caused by abnormal pronation of the foot and excessive forces at the toe off. Contributing factors include age, weight gain, long hours of walking and standing on hard surfaces, badly fitted shoes and shoes that are rigid that do not allow good foot function. Continuous pulling of the fascia at the heel bone can eventually lead to the development of bony growth on the heel, which is called heel spur.

During rest (e.g. when you're asleep), the plantar fascia tightens and shortens. However, when body weight is rapidly applied to the foot, the fascia must stretch and quickly lengthen, causing micro-tearing of the tissue. This is why the pain is more severe with your first steps in the morning or after sitting for a long period of time.

What are the usual treatments for plantar fasciitis?

Many healthcare practitioners would usually recommend rest (e.g. putting the feet up), stretching, massaging, physiotherapy, acupuncture and rigid orthotics to treat plantar fasciitis. However, we frequently see failures with these treatments in our clinic. Rigid orthotics and supportive footwear restrain foot movements and do not promote strong feet.


in Full Length & 3/4 lengths

With the distinctive “posture dome design”, BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ safely stimulates the muscles in the foot, assists in their re-educating and remodeling, not only allowing them to be placed in a correct position during walking and standing, but also encouraging better alignment up through the body, resulting in a better posture. In effect, this dynamic support of the “posture dome” eases tension on the plantar fascia, massaging it with each step.

When the body is aligned, muscles are back to the correct position, which also improves blood flow circulation, carrying oxygen and minerals to help muscles to repair and recover. This significantly decreases the prolonging of the inflammatory in the plantar fascia and people suffering from plantar fasciitis are able to enjoy walking and running pain free sooner.

I find that plantar fasciitis is one of the easiest problems to treat when treated correctly. Unfortunately many practitioners tell patients the results can be poor and take a long time to achieve. If you have plantar fasciitis or you think you have it, why not book in an appointment and see how I can help you?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

PRESS RELEASE- Foot Expert: Why Barefoot is the Way to Go

Sydney Podiatrist and Footgear Clinician Bronwyn Cooper believes that runners and walkers can both avoid injuries and reduce their existing ones by switching to barefoot or minimalist shoes, but must do so with gradual transition as well as professional help and advice.

Recent research shows that 60-85% of runners are injured every year, and conventional sports shoes are to blame. They are deemed to be too restrictive by bracing the feet and not allowing enough movement for the foot muscles to strengthen naturally.
These alarming figures have prompted major sportswear companies like Nike and Reebok to develop minimalist footwear to “tackle” the problem, and it is the fastest growing sector in the sports shoe market. Nike has removed support from their fastest growing sports model since 2005, with Adidas launching its first barefoot shoe in 2012, while non-sports brands like Rockport and Ecco have already joined in the trend.
“This is providing a great variety of choices in the market, but consumers should be careful when making the change,” warned Cooper.
“Conventional footwear and orthotics have stiff components and do not allow the muscles to strengthen, so your feet end up becoming weaker through inactivity,” explained Cooper “Runners and walkers can aggravate their injuries further if they change to those minimalist shoes straight away.”
Cooper, with 37 years of experience in the footcare and footgear industry, has been “de-orthotising” her patients for the past six years. This treatment includes the use of BAREFOOT SCIENCE™, which is an insole system that stimulates and activates intrinsic muscles in the feet, while promoting better movement patterns and posture.
Backed with 20 years of research, BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ is clinically proven to build strong feet and stimulate neurosensory input or “biofeedback”. It is the only insole system that works along minimalist or barefoot lines, enhancing proprioceptive input and resulting in better foot placement and less risk of injury. Cooper believes this is the future of healthy feet.
BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ acts like a gym for neglected postural muscles of the foot and stimulates weaker muscles to increase resistance level as they become stronger,” said Cooper. “It allows runners and walkers to transition from fully supportive shoes, whether sports, casual or dress to minimalist or no support footgear safely and pain-free.”
“This is the future for healthy feet, and being able to function in a “barefoot” manner should be the goal for all.”

BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ is available in full and 3/4 lengths. Unlike traditional insoles and orthotics that merely brace or cushion the foot, the unique patented design safely stimulates and strengthens the foot's supporting muscle groups.

To talk to Bronwyn about BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ or arrange an interview or comment from her, please contact:
Bronwyn Cooper
Podiatrist/ Footgear Clinician


Thursday, September 15, 2011

You’ve got the right shoes, what about your socks?

How often when we have found the right pair of shoes, we have actually forgotten to match them up with the right pair of socks? It is surprising that many of my patients have certainly overlooked this aspect of our daily life especially when our feet spend over 10 hours each day inside socks! 

Socks can be purchased everywhere and the price could range from $2 to $30. How do you know which one is the right for you? There is a misconception that socks made of cotton is the best option. Undoubtedly, cotton being a natural material feels nice; but it also absorbs and retains moisture within its fibers, sticking to the skin when it is wet and causing discomfort.

Conventional cotton tube style socks restricts healthy air and blood flow circulation to the foot, so the whole foot is forced to work as one unit. This causes heat and moisture build up, especially between the toes, which makes it the ideal environment for fungus to harbour and grow.

This is why we find that the Injinji Toesock is a great product to combat these problems.

The Injinji Toesock is designed to separate the toes, with a CoolMax© lining that wicks moisture from between the toes and throughout the entire toe box, and a resistant nylon outer shell woven with Lycra© that is light and breathable. It allows free movement from the heel to the toes, offers improved balance, posture and grip, encourages healthy circulation and eliminates skin on skin friction that prevents blistering; which is similar to being barefoot. 

The Performance series is suitable for runners and we have a good range of selection available here at the clinic. Remember if you are currently suffering from injuries, I strongly advise you to book in a consultation with me for an assessment. And feel free to email me for a copy of blister prevention guide, it is a must have for all runners!

All the best on Sunday for the Sydney Marathon and happy running!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Great success at the City2Surf Expo 2011

Our stand at the City2Surf Expo.
It was a great success at City2Surf in August. Many of our customers have given us positive feedback from wearing BAREFOOT SCIENCE™, and some of them have shared with us their testimonials:

“My experience with
BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ has been nothing short of a miracle cure for my knee pain. I ran the City2Surf without any problems, and wasn’t even sore afterwards. It exceeded my expectations.” —T.H.

“I completed the 14km run in a time of 1 hour 30 minutes with no prior training beforehand because I could not physically run any amount of kilometers without severe achilles pain in my foot… I am so amazed at how well
BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ serviced my needs and I am at a loss to comprehend something so good would work immediately even at walking pace.” —S.S.

“I noticed a reduction of intensity to back pain [Hx of spondylilothesis] with the use of

“I stuck with my orthotics for the City2Surf run, but took my BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ with me, thinking that changing into them after the long run could be a blessing for my feet. And it was!” —K.J.

“I have some pain I my arthritic toes and shin splint. I only wore the basic BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ on the City2Surf and they went well.” — J.D.

“I can say I have found the BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ very convenient and comfortable to use in my boots and shoes where my orthotics do not fit. Quick and easy to fit into dress shoes and they stop my aching foot problem.” — L.B.

BAREFOOT SCIENCE™ is designed to easily fit into your existing shoes. The distinctive dome design promotes a progressive treatment like a mini foot massage that stimulates the intricate muscles in your feet and allow them to get stronger. Once the sensation fades (usually within a week), your feet are ready to move up to the next level of insert, and your feet become stronger and more efficient with each step you take.

Still not sure about the effective benefits of BAREFOOT SCIENCE™? Why not book in an appointment with us and experience them for yourself?